What do relationships mean to you?
What are two things you desire from your relationships with others?
Are you ready to take your relationships to the next level?

Making Relationships Better Coaching

Relationship is one of the most easiest thing that we human can have because being able to relate is one of the deep core qualities that we are born with. However, as we go through different stages of life, our experiences, culture, upbringing, education, social life etc start shaping our expectations, our boundaries and in turn start shaping our personalities. Inspite of all of our likes, dislikes, preferences, fears, anxieties, achievements, disappointments, stories, beliefs, at the basic core level we still continue to have tremendous amount of love both for ourselves and for the other person.

In Creative Relationship Coaching, we work together in:
✔ Making Relationships Better, Easier, Loving, Harmonious and Cherishable
✔ Ensuring that every person has the freedom and the intimacy they desire in that relationship
✔ Ensuring that the relationships are source of power that offers connection, energy and growth rather than having you feel drained emotionally, mentally, physically, energetically and spiritually
✔ Ensuring that there is space for self-care, vulnerabilities, gratitude’s, sharing and being able to have difficult and uncomfortable conversations

Creative relationship Coaching focuses on four kinds of relationship:
✔ Couples relationship
✔ Singles who are looking forward to being in relationship
✔ Relationship with Loved ones including friends, relatives and neighbours
✔ Business Relationship including business partners, colleagues, clients and customers


You and Your Relationship Discovery Taster

  • ✔ Fill out a detailed desire questionnaire to provide background for your consultation
  • ✔ 20 Minute Call with Michael to find out if Relationship by Design Coaching is right for you
  • ✔ Gain insight on a single issue related to relationship that has been troubling you
  • ✔ Learn more about Relationship by Design and how it can work in your life

Book a You and Your Relationship Discovery Consultation Now

Relationship by Design Coaching Session

  • ✔ Continue your Relationship Discovery Journey with additional one-to-one phone, Skype, or other live 45 minute sessions with Michael
  • ✔ Find out your relationship blueprint and learn how to make use of different quadrants of your blueprints
  • ✔ Learn how to identify the trigger points, set boundaries and yet work through these points of expansion and growth
  • ✔ Learn how to move out of platonic co-dependent relationships and have a relationship with deeper purpose, juice and excitement
  • ✔ Learn about each other’s relationships terms and conditions and develop the skills of how to navigate through these skillfully
  • ✔ Learn how to align your internal and external worlds and create your own relationship jewel circle
  • ✔ Learn how to transform yourself and become the master of fostering art of creating Relationships by Design

Book a Relationship by Design Coaching Session Now


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