Ready to unlock your emotional & sexual energy for YOUR OWN overall well-being?

Emotional Detox Through Bodywork

Benefits of EDTB

Emotional Detox Through Bodywork is a technique that involves working through different human energy centres and various layers of human auric fields. Emotional Detox sessions are extremely effective in addressing range of symptoms and illnesses, including but not limited to:

  • Stress, tension, and depression
  • Fear of sex, loss of interest in sex. or pain during intercourse
  • Inability to fully let go or experience joy and ecstasy
  • Feeling insecure, unable to trust, lacking self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Vaginismus (involuntary vaginal contractions/closing of the vagina before sex)
  • Body shame, low body confidence
  • Difficulty in resolving the truth and resolving conflict
  • PMS and period pains
  • Difficulty in experiencing orgasm
  • Other sexual dysfunctions

Emotional Detox takes the entire layered body of a person into account and works with different energy centres and auric bodies, including:

  • The physical body
  • The emotional body
  • The mental body
  • The energetic body
  • The spiritual body

EDTB sessions are a collaboration where we work together to break through your individual barriers. Treatment plans are always defined by each individual client’s needs, readiness, and comfort levels.

Our role is to create a safe space, provide undivided attention and presence and work with extreme consciousness to find out where the knots, tangles and blockages are in the body which are resulting in numbness and painful experiences.

EDTB sessions allows client to take control of their sexual energy within their bodies which then helps to eliminate traumatic experiences at a cellular and energetic level. Each full ETDB session works on 5 key practices:

  • Talking & listening to develop trust, safety, and comfort
  • Tantric/Tao bodywork to release stagnant negative emotions
  • Breath work to disperse unwanted emotions and transform them to more positive and uplifting emotions
  • Massage pressure and movement with feelings to disperse unwanted energy and move positive energy throughout the body
  • Release either through sound or movement to pull the orgasmic energy upwards from genitalia towards the crown and the rest of the body to feel whole body orgasms

5 steps of a full EDTB session:

  • Talking and listening where we will discuss boundaries to create a safe container, ask questions to get to know where you are at
  • Set up the session structure and intentions so that you can have a clear understanding of what you desire from the session, and work on removing any concerns or issues, making each other comfortable
  • The next part of session will involve Kundalini meditation and some form of yoga to help calm the mind, get more in tune with the body, increase awareness and help and relax muscles
  • There will be some form of connecting exercises which are aimed at bringing complete surrender to the body and to the session for the most profound healing and transformation to take place
  • The next part of the session will be deep bodywork where we will use deep tissue massage to transform areas of numbness into places of pleasure, unblocking of blocked circulation, identifying and untangling of knots, channeling the energy flow at the cellular level, and shifting the energy centres into more alignment
Emotional Detox Through Bodywork Packages



In this package you will:

  • Understand and experience the energy flow happening within your body, connect with your own feminine energy, and learn to use the intensity of your emotions to feel empowered
  • Be released from unwanted and stagnant emotions though deep pressure body work
  • Become familiar with each other’s own body map, identify and loosen the places that holds knots and tension (structural tissue) to release aches, pains, and muscular tension
  • Discover body parts which have been numb and reclaim your inner power through releasing toxins in the body which create blockages and hinder blood circulation flow
  • Awaken and connect more deeply with your genitalia, sexual energy, and feel more alive with a loving and open heart and positive attitude towards life
  • Learn in a playful way how to create excitement by working through different energies

What’s included:

  • 30-45 mins consultation
  • One 90-120 mins emotional detox session
  • One week of online support before and after the session
  • Providing you with Your Pattern Blueprint Template and suggestive methods to help you unleash your existing potential

PS: This session takes place fully clothed.

Ready to see how it feels to have deeper connection to your sexual energy and emotional release?



In this package you will:

  • Understand and experience the energy flow happening within your and your partner’s body, connect with your own and each other’s masculine and feminine energies, and learn to use the intensity of emotions to feel empowered
  • Be released from unwanted and stagnant emotions that have built up as a result of relating with your partner in unhealthy ways
  • Become familiar with each other’s body map, identify and loosen the places that hold knots and tension (structural tissue) to release aches, pains, and muscular tension
  • Discover body parts which have been numb and reclaim your inner power through releasing toxins from the body which create blockages and hinder blood circulation flow
  • Awaken and connect more deeply with your genitalia, sexual energy, and feel more alive with a loving and open heart and positive attitude towards life
  • Learn in a playful way how to create excitement by working through different energies

What’s included:

  • 45mins – One-hour consultation prior to start of the session
  • One full day of playful yet transforming emotional detox session
  • One week of online support before and after the session

PS: This session takes place fully clothed.


Ready to take your connection to deeper level and learn to play with each other’s sexual energy whilst also releasing emotions at the sametime?



If you have more questions about Emotional Detox